Frequently Asked Questions

Your source for everything you need to know about treatments, pre-care & aftercare


Eyelash Extensions

Each client responds differently to different treatments, please use this as a guideline only.



How should I prepare for my appointment?

Please come to the appointment with no make-up as we will require clean lashes and eyes in order to do the appointment. Come in with no eye makeup or curled lashes. If you have any pictures you like, please bring those along with you to help guide your consultation with your artist.

Can I drink coffee before my appointment?

Do not drink caffeine prior to your appointment as this will increase the shakiness and eye movement during your appointment which will make it difficult for lash technicians to complete your treatment.

Can I wear contact lenses?

Please do not wear contact lenses to your appointment. Clients can bring contact lens case, if needed, to remove the contact lens prior to receiving treatment.


What do I need to know immediately after my treatment?

Please do not get your lashes wet for 4-5 hours post-treatment, a light mist is fine. Also avoid hot stream & sauna for approximately 48 hours in order to ensure longevity.

Can I rub my eyes?

Please try not to rub your eyes as this will affect the application. When your eyes do get itchy, use a dabbing motion on eyelids with your fingers.

What about oil-based products?

In order to ensure longevity for your lashes, please avoid all oil-based makeup or skincare products as the oil will affect the glue application we use for your eyelash extensions.

Can I use mascara or an eyelash curler?

No, do not use mascara or eyelash curlers as they will compromise the quality of the lashes and create clumps, making it difficult to clean. If you’re keen on using mascara or have any inquiries, ask us about any products that will work will with your lashes!

Can I sleep on my stomach or sides?

As best you can, please try to sleep on your back. If you sleep on your side or on your stomach, you will create creases on your lashes against the pillow which will affect the look of them.

How long will they last?

When applied properly, eyelash extensions will last the strength of the natural growth cycle of your eyelashes. Everyone’s experience will differ based on day-to-day activities, but overall - touch-ups should only be required after 2-4 weeks.

Any lash technicians or companies that tell you that they last over 4 weeks is not telling you the truth, please be aware as it is completely dependent on your lifestyle and lash cycle.


Cosmetic Tattoo

Each client responds differently to different treatments, please use this as a guideline only.



How should I prepare for my appointment?

If you maintain your brow shape through waxing or threading, you can get them shaped 3 days prior to your appointment. If you’d like the most natural look, you can consider letting your eyebrows grow prior to your appointment so your artist can use as much hair as possible. The artist will clean-up any stray hairs you wish to remove during the mapping phase of your new brows.

I’m on antibiotics - is that okay?

If you are currently on antibiotics, please email your artist at least 48 hours prior to your appointment to reschedule.

Am I allowed to go tanning?

If you go to a tanning bed regularly, please plan to avoid tanning two weeks prior to your treatment. We ask that you do not come to your appointment with a sunburn or flaking skin around the area that will get tattooed. If you do have a sunburn, please contact us 48 hours prior to your original appointment to reschedule.

I am planning to get botox and/or fillers done soon.

If you are planning to get any botox or fillers done, please ensure your appointment is scheduled 4 weeks prior or 4 weeks after your cosmetic tattoo appointment.

I want to get a facial and/or chemical peel done.

Please ensure you avoid any skin treatments at least 4 weeks prior to your treatment.

What if I take Retinol?

You must stop using Retinol 2 weeks prior to your permanent makeup appointment.

What about alcohol or ibuprofen?

For any types of substance or medications that thins out the blood, please avoid it 24 hours prior to your appointment as otherwise it will cause excessive bleeding that may hurt the results of your treatment.


What do I need to know immediately after my treatment?

Be patient. All cosmetic tattoo procedures, the tattooed area will appear much darker, colder, and sharply defined. This can last up to a week after the treatment while the initial healing process takes place. Don’t panic! This is completely normal and a part of the healing process.

What should I expect with the tattoo in how it feels?

The treated area may feel a bit like sunburn afterwards, but there should be minimal discomfort. Swelling and redness can happen - it differs from client-to-client. Most swelling will disappear within 24-48 hours, but in some cases, it could last up to 3 days. But this will not prevent you from working or going to any social events.

Can I shower/bathe?

You can shower and/or bathe as per usual, but do avoid any cleansers on your treated area for at least the first week of healing! We don’t want to hurt the process that must take place for the pigment to soak into the skin.

I want to touch it!

Don’t touch it! As much as you can. If you need to, always wash your hands thoroughly before touching the tattooed area. Remember, these are open cuts so it’s important you keep it as clean as possible to avoid infections.

Do NOT pick or scratch at the dry skin/flakiness; let the skin fall off naturally. Picking can cause scarring and premature loss of pigment. IMPORTANT: Once the flakes have fallen off, a shiny layer of healing skin will completely cover the hair strokes. It will appear as though the eyebrows are gone. Within 1-2 weeks, the hair strokes will slowly reappear at a lighter shade as your skin regenerates.

How do I keep the treated area clean?

You can keep the tattooed area clean by simply rinsing the treated area with lukewarm water and patting gently with a fresh paper towel, 3x a day for the first week. Afterwards, you can keep them clean 2x a day the second week until it is fully healed.

What kind of moisturizer can I use?

Avoid any kind of moisturizer, oil and Vaseline for the first two weeks. Only apply a very small amount of the provided ointment in the morning after cleaning the eyebrows with warm water. Apply using a disposable cotton swab. The goal is to have your tattoo flake off naturally, rather than form into large scabs. You may use the ointment for the first 7 days.

Can I work out?

You must avoid working out for 5-7 days following your cosmetic tattoo appointment. Light exercising is allowed (minimal sweating), but you MUST clean the tattooed area with lukewarm water as soon as you are done exercising. The salt in the sweat will fade the pigment very quickly and give poor results.

Should I be careful of the sun?

Avoid direct sun exposure for the first 14 days. You MUST wear a hat while outside during the healing process.

What about makeup?

Do NOT apply make-up to the tattooed area for the first 2 weeks. Chemicals of any kind may interfere with the healing and color of your tattoo.

Once the treated area is completely healed, any changes or additions that need to be made can be done at your follow-up appointment.

How long will it take to heal?

The complete healing process takes about 6-8 weeks, at which time the true color of the tattoo is evident. During this process, your tattoo will soften and lighten. Be patient, even if you think too much color has been lost, as your skin is still regenerating and naturally exfoliating. Wait at least 6 weeks to see the true color, as it seems to take on new strength, and it is only after 6 weeks that your touch-up/adjustment can be done. Keep in mind that microbladed brows healed up to 30% softer than the initial color.

What can I do to make it last longer?

Exposure to the sun over time can cause fading and discoloration of the pigment. Once completely healed, you may apply sunscreen on the treated area. Wear large sunglasses and a hat for further protection. Rinse and dry the area thoroughly when in contact with chlorine.

Glycolic Acid, retin-a, face peels and exfoliation must be kept away from the tattooed area as continued use could lighten the pigment.

If you are having laser resurfacing or laser hair removal after your tattoo has healed, please inform the laser technician.  Laser procedures may darken, lighten, or discolor the tattooed area.



Each client responds differently to different treatments, please use this as a guideline only.



Are there any skin care products I shouldn’t use prior to my treatment?

Unfortunately, you cannot use Retin-A products or applications 24 hours prior to your treatment.

I have an auto-immune disorder, is there anything I need to know beforehand?

Please ensure that all autoimmune therapies or products are scheduled and used 48 hours in advance, and ensure that no auto-immune therapies or products 24 hours prior to your treatment.

Can I go to the beach or can I go tanning before my appointment?

Please refrain from having any long sun exposures on your face 24 hours prior to your appointment. This will heighten your skin sensitivity as well as may affect the treatment.

What about waxing or exfoliating treatments?

Please plan to have any waxing or exfoliating facial treatments one week prior to the treatment to ensure that your skin has had time to rest. Too much intensive treatments can affect the results and how your skin reacts.

I have a cold sore, what do I do?

If you have a cold sore, active herpes simplex breakout, or any active open infections / wounds, please inform us prior to your appointment and we can discuss next steps on how to best approach it!

I want to get a laser treatment, can I do that?

Please do not get any laser treatments to the treated area one week prior to the treatment date.

I have taken Accutane in the last 12 months.

Please notify your doctor if you have taken Accutane within the last 12 months, as it may affect your treatment.

What about alcohol or ibuprofen?

For any types of substance or medications that thins out the blood, please avoid it 24 hours prior to your appointment as otherwise it will cause excessive bleeding that may hurt the results of your treatment.


What is in my aftercare package?

Package (enough for 3-5 treatments) includes:

  • Face mask “Wear outdoor to avoid sun exposure”

  • Saline water

  • Sterilized Gauze

  • Cetaphil Gentle Cleanser

  • Cetaphil Gentle Face Cream

  • Soothing Hydration mask “After 24 hours”

  • Simply Protect BABY Sunscreen SPF50+ (Water Resistant 80 minutes) “After 24 hours”

  • Zensa Healing Cream “First 3 Days” (On redness spots)

  • 99% Pure Aloe Vera Gel

  • Neutrogena makeup remover wipes

When can I wear makeup or do my daily skin care routine?

We would like you to plan to not apply any makeup, sun screen, or home daily skin care products (with exception to the Gentle Cleaner & Cream we provide you) for the first 24 to 48 hours. Each client has a different healing process time. This is to ensure that after the procedure, you allow your skin barrier to heal over.

Using makeup brushes will irritate the open skin and if there is any bacteria on the brushes, you will run the risk of developing a skin infection.

What types of products should I avoid for the first 3-5 days post-treatment?

Please plan to avoid all skin care products that contain any kind of “active ingredients” such as retinol, alpha hydroxy acids and vitamin C.

You can begin incorporating these products back into your regime 3-5 days after your treatment, or as recommended by your experienced therapist.

What can I expect the first 24 hours?

  • Do not use tap water, only saline water (pink tube) to dab on face with a cotton pad (not rub)

  • Please store the ISOV healing mask in the fridge. It is a cooling face mask to help reduce the inflammation and redness.

  • We advice that you do not use sunscreen immediately after the procedure as the skin channels are completely open and will absorb anything that is applied.

  • Please avoid any exercise, workouts, swimming, hot yoga, sauna, etc that will cause you to sweat.

  • Please do not drink alcohol as it will increase your body temperature and the skin on your face will become hot and swollen.

What can I expect after 24-48 hours?

  • Tap water is allowed to use on your skin if the skin redness has become stable.

  • Please go ahead and use the Cetaphil Gentle face cleanser we’ve provided you

  • Feel free to continue to use the Saline Water (pink tube) to dab your face with a cotton pad (do not rub).

  • Do use the hydration / soothing mask that we ask you to store in your fridge.

  • Apply Zensa healing cream on red spots and apply the Cetaphil Gentle cream on the rest of the face to keep moisture.

  • Continue to avoid makeup products and sun exposure, and you MUST apply mineral sunscreen (Simply Protect BABY Sunscreen SPF50+) once the skin has healed over, approximately 24 hours after the treatment.

  • Please plan to wear a face mask and/or a hat outdoors to avoid sun exposure on your skin.

  • Please avoid any exercise, workouts, swimming, hot yoga, sauna, etc that will cause you to sweat.

  • Please do not drink alcohol as it will increase your body temperature and the skin on your face will become hot and swollen.

What can I expect after 3-4 days?

  • Regular daily skin care products can be used now.

  • Avoid sun exposure, and you MUST apply mineral sunscreen (Simply Protect BABY Sunscreen SPF50+)

  • Light foundation or tinted moisturizer can be applied, best to apply with clean, new makeup sponge/brush/etc

  • Please plan to wear a face mask and/or a hat outdoors to avoid sun exposure on your skin.

  • Exercise activities are allowed now after redness is gone. We still do recommend only participate in swimming activities after 7 days as the pool water contains chlorine chemicals which can irritate your skin.

  • Some areas might start to become dry and flaky. Please avoid picking the skin and apply moisturizer 2-3 times a day.

What to expect after a skin needling treatment?

Following your Skin Needling treatment, you can expect some redness & slight swelling around the areas that have been treated. Your skin may feel warm to touch, like a mild sunburn sensation. This should last no longer than a day or two.
3 to 5 days after your Skin Needling procedure you may notice that your skin becomes dry & flaky. This is a completely normal process due to the dead skin cells being stimulated upwards. Avoid picking the skin & apply moisturizer 2-3 times per day. Once this process is finished your skin will feel softer & look radiant, as though you have had a great exfoliation. Recommend to apply a moisture/ soothing mask once every 2-3 days, as your skin will absorb very well during this period.

Skin Needling stimulates your body to produce natural collagen & elastin, which continues for up to 12 weeks after your treatment. Individual results vary, with some patients noticing a discernible difference within a few weeks & others needing several treatments. However, your results will continue to improve months after your initial treatment & will last until your skin goes through its natural aging process.

Can I take any anti-inflammatory medications?

Prior to and immediately after skin needling procedures you should avoid the use of anti-inflammatory medications, such as Ibuprofen, as they will interfere with the natural inflammatory process that is needed for optimal skin rejuvenation.

Can I use any collagen stimulating peptides?

Yes! Collagen stimulating peptides will help skin to prepare and recover from the procedure and are an important part of Skin Needling aftercare.

These peptides work by aiding in the stimulation of collagen production & intensify the effects of the skin needling treatment. (collagen power, collagen drinks)

Any last tips and tricks for best results?

Don't Forget to Drink Plenty of Water. We always recommend that you drink plenty of water both before and after the procedure. Keeping well hydrated with assistance in faster healing & skin rejuvenation.

Once the Skin has healed, Don’t Forget Broad Spectrum Sunscreen.
While it’s important to give the sunscreen a miss for the first few days following the procedure, we do advise that you use a broad-spectrum sunscreen once your skin has healed, to prevent unwanted pigmentation & sun damage.